Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Review of A Clockwork Orange

A great classic film about youth gone wrong where the justice acted does not suit the crimes.

In the film which was directed by Stanley Kubrick is about Alex who is a punk. He speaks in old english with his mates aka droogs. The film begins with alex committing crimes free until he rapes a woman and later beats someone over the head as they rob them. He is betrayed and sent to jail. While in jail he is sent to this rehibilation program that is brand new and controversial. He is forced to hate his previous life by brainwashing. He is forced to watch his actions by seeing videos simulated to show what he did while listening to classical music. Eventually he cracks and is sent back to the general populus. As he gets out his former droogs find him and beat him senseless. He is then picked up by the husband of the woman who was raped however she died from the rape. The man gets back at him by locking Alex in a room until he attempts suicide while Beethoven is being played. While in the hospital Alex gets better, but he becomes the same old Alex who likes a little in out in out.

The themes that are apart of Sci-fi is that it touches on systematic control in the future. It is not that far off. However there are milk clubs that serve alcohol to minors. There scientists working on fixing criminals for public release. Now this film plays off as a drama, but it is very much more. It is a film about how one can have their demons and be changed. However, we always them within ourselves regardless of how you may be changed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In five years 4K, 5K, and dear god 28K projectors will be out. The RED camera will surpass film. Film itself will be gone.

Yet past that in fifteen years things going with the media will be something only science fiction could make. By this I mean there will be electronic newspaper. This will be a newspaper you buy that changes with the most up to date information. Regardless of the iPad being soooo amazing which is a crock of shit by the way. Now the iPad is not new technology because we have had this type of thing available, but only in medical professions and with the army or Japan. Boooooo. With this type of newspaper there will be more pushing of 3D devices. We will no longer need the glasses because we will have the option for an implant which allows the brain to read this type of image distortion without the need of a seeing device. People will have to pay $10,000, which going with the current economy and the drop of the dollar, will be a cheap when you add inflation. I will be able to use my cellphone as a tv, computer, key to my car, remote control for my tv, dishwasher, windows, lights, sink, oven, etc. Really the media of the future will be in people's hands, but the government will have tight and I mean tight security so no one can penetrate us unless that person is some kid from China who quit school to become a computer hacker.

In 50 years I'll 72 years old and pissed off with my back looking like the Rocky Mountains. Now with technology the idea we get from Ghost In The Shell will become a reality. People will be able to put their brains to computers. They could live forever. Genetically altering oneself will not be uncommon. Most people will change their organs instead of their outside appearances. This will be the new plastic surgery. As for wars. They will be fought by ground, air, water, and internet. The U.S. will be hit without a doubt. Then some kids who are only 13 will be brought in to fight some 13 year old kid from China who is a hacker. They will play scrabble but only in HTML or HTML5. Hell they may even go back to MS-DOS for the fight. Old school name drop.

All I feel grim of the future, but hopeful.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What is Sci-Fi

Science fiction is always for me one of the most interesting and odd genres out there. What I know is that any time the mention of the future or the present being the future guaranteed you got Sci-Fi. What is it? How should I know, but I feel I got a grasp on the genre.

The genre is a look at the current technology and what it can become like cyborgs, homes that do everything for humans, intergalactic space journeys from planet to planet from the government trying to kill you. If you didn't get the references then here you go. Ghost In The Shell or Blade Runner, The Veldt and Star Wars. All are three different types.

Yet, we cannot forget the usual stereotypes where robots control man and we overcome destroying them. Or how post-apocalyptic worlds re-evolve to better places. OR even the space journey which plays out like Lord of The Rings. Now these steretypes can stay with us and help the genre. I love these stereotypes. Fantasy is old for me. Science Fiction always as me at my toes.

It truely is a genre where it changes how the world ends up. Space rockets and languages used as weapons came from Sci-fi. What makes you think Star Wars will not become a possibility.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Hobbit

Yeah you try to keep interested in that book. The prequels to Redwall were way better than The Annotated Hobbit. I attempted to read and I just could not swallow it. The reason I couldn't is because it of the child like writing. That sounded cruel, but I felt that is the truth. Long winded writing bores me. Now Lord of The Rings I can talk about. Didn't read all of it, but from I do recall is that I had a mind explosion at the attention of detail that made you feel you could see it! The films lagged in that. Yes great locations, but not the way I would see it.

Now how the book relates to my major which is Digital Film is the hero's journey. But I am go negative on this topic. The film and book series is nothing more than walking. Then again almost all hero's journey's are like that. Star Wars is nothing more than flying, sword fighting and talking. Yet we love the dialogue and the action that takes places. To me it is tough to pick which is a great fantasy novel and or because I feel there are stereotypes as to the fans of the genre.

Then again Lord of The Rings was great in that the message is about finishing what you started. Morality at its best.


Okay so Vampires. Lets face it and get over it. No long is Dracula private and secluded. Now he is SPARKLE!

Getting back to the topic at hand.

Twilight has got to be one of the most boring book series ever. Edward is a bitch. Bella is an emo high school brat. Jacob is just in denial in Bella's obsession with Edward. There is no development. As time progresses you read it in hopes that someone gets laid or bit. And no one does. The build is lackluster at best.

The attempt at making Dracula a high school student with an anti-social attitude is more like Frankenstein. Looking over the idea sounds neat, but make him cool. Don't have a Gothic novel become a book of smut.

Stephanie Myers goes into detail about everyone must follow along with only to find it is religious. So the idea has no longer become about death, but rather kids need to follow purity in sex and wait til marriage. I hate to say, but look at how well that worked.

On the flip of that Dracula was a great read. The detail of going into how Dracula would seduce his victims is interesting. Whereas the set up and pay off in Twilight is not gripping or intriguing.

Do I feel it may be due to that both writers were of the opposite sex? No. I feel it had to do with the times and the life which both writers lived.

Harry Potter and fantasy

Okay sooooo I have been lazy and busy, but mostly the later.

About two weeks ago we were talking about fantasy novels. One option was The Golden Compass. Having read that novel many years ago I got through the first page and put it down. Never use to do that until that book. There was no real intriguing character delevopment for me.

Now Happy Potter on the other hand was fun. I stopped reading after the 4th book, Goblet Of Fire. Reading up to that point I recall the amount of detail that went into setting up environment and characters. You could read two pages and it would all be from how a room looked or something Harry was about to do. It was fun. That is what I loved about it.

Sadly people tarnished the name of the series with badly made movies except for Prisoner of Azkaban, obsessed fans, and religious fundamentalists. The series was great for kids, but some parents thought it was for adults due to it having magic and wizardry.

Here is the story about boy whose parents were killed by the evil magician, Voldemort, who then goes to his aunt's house. While there he is put through hell for being different. Yet, one day it all changes when he is chosen to become a wizard at Hogwarts. Okay well if you Lord of The Rings, the Hero's Jounrey begins!

That is something I have never heard about Harry being compared too. But it's true. However, he is journey is 7 books. Which is unique. He keeps going to back to the journey because each time there are forces to keep him out.

Okay at this point I have rambled on and need to stop.

All in all Harry Potter is pure escapism, but how J.K. Rowling writes makes it that much more appealing coming from a woman's perspective versus someone like Lovecraft.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Zombie Films and their entrigue

Since Romeo made Night Of the Living zombie films have become HUGE. Yet, it wasn't until slasher films came into the picture along with political and social unrest of the 70s that there was more zombie films.

I say this because when you look back in the 30s to 1969 zombie films were based on voodoo and witchcraft. Not the living dead looking for flesh that we now are associated with. Many people go for these types of films I feel because we want an escape from our humdrum lives. So what better way than to watch a bunch of people scream while people walking slower than turtles chase after you down a corridor with a door that opens from the other side. Yes you are screwed.

Going along with this these films always have a reason for why zombies came to and the reason is nuclear explosion or meltdown, plague, viruses (28 days later or resident evil) and so on. There are many reasons for them but we usually see the same reason.

Now a new twist on it was post apocalyptic and the conscious zombie. What do I mean about conscious zombie? Conscious zombies are zombies that think for themselves. Zombies that can eat, work, invent, but also communicate. Normally we know them as mindless like people who watch TV all day. We think of them as just wanting flesh and that's it. However in the recent decade they have added a twist. Just watch Land Of The Dead and you see a woman giving birth to a zombie baby. How in the hell is that possible. Then Romero comes out with Survival of The Dead and now we have zombies that realize they do what we do.

In terms of a post apocalyptic world for it work everything in modern society must come to a halt and only a handful survivors. Out of any subgenres we have I feel this is the most relatable because it could happen where modern societies just stop. Like in Doomsday, but it was only a small minor part. Now in 28 days later the world has stopped due to the zombie plague swarming the world. Basically anytime these films comes out we expect certain details and hopes. Usually you are cheated, but some work.

Now I have rambled enough. I will leave you with the idea that Zombies are us real life. We live our lives just going through with sense of direction. Yet those who live their lives are surviving the real world.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Idea for blog

The idea for this blog is that I will be reading books about horror, fantasy, and science fiction. The same will be for films and short films that are about horror, fantasy, and science fiction.